Namman Muay Thai Boxing Liniment

Namman Muay Thai Boxing Liniment

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Namman Muay (Thai: น้ำมันมวย)

  • Imported from Thailand.
  • Comes highly recommended by serious professional athletic trainers.

"Thai Oil Ingredients

The main ingredients in Namman Muay are methyl salicylate and menthol. The methyl salicylate is a salicylate similar to Aspirin. Both ingredients together provide temporary relief of muscle or joint pain caused by strains, sprains, arthritis, and bruising. They also create a warming effect on the muscles.

Thai Liniment Uses

The main use of Thai liniment oil is for pain relief.

Fighters use the oil as part of their pre-fight massage. Their cornermen rub them with the liniment vigorously. It helps reduce pain felt during the fight, and it also helps reduce bruising.

An added benefit is the phycological effect it has on the fighter. Whether it’s the smell or the warming effect it has on the muscles, the liniment massage helps fighters get in the right mindset. It could be a placebo effect, but if a fighter believes it helps with performance then it does."